Book: If Global Warming Continues Secrets Revealed Climate Health Effects Habitats How to Survive Solutions

Book: If Global Warming Continues Secrets Revealed Climate Health Effects Habitats How to Survive Solutions

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In this interesting review of our earth’s potentially apocalyptic future due to climate change and man’s impact and/or response to global warming, author Herb “Roi” Richards demystifies the confusing facts and figures to get a glimpse at what is really at stake in earth’s future.

One of the things that was uncovered while researching global warming was how Noah and his ancestors lived such long, healthy lives.

Secrets Revealed

Richards peels back the layers of information to reveal the secrets lying underneath the media hype and potential misrepresentation that is going on behind the scenes.

Climate Health Effects

Delineating the historical and scientific realities of our planet’s climate health will help the reader understand the magnificence and beauty of our design as we continue to traverse the journey of global warming, and how this will affect our lives


Habitats in our world have continually been in a state of flux and metamorphosis, with the exception of the Human Life Zone (HLZ) which has remained relatively unchanged throughout most, if not all, of our planet’s changes and catastrophes.

How to Survive

Learn how to survive, why, and where humans who inhabit our world can achieve the best quality of life around the globe without having to worry about potential apocalyptic challenges. And thrive in abundance, provision, peace, and tranquility.


Many solutions are provided in this brief text. Most surprisingly, Richard’s revelations that were discovered while researching global warming and climate change. The author discloses what he has learned about our race and its integration with the world that is ready to supply us with a high quality of life and longevity.

About the Author

Herb Roi Richards, Ph.D., is an internationally published author. Mr. Richards studied and received his degree from the College of Human Life Science in Austin, Texas. His journey has led him to and through many disciplines, which led to his relocation to the scenic Pacific Northwest, where he became a Reiki Master and trains others from his base of operations, The Reiki Ranch in Chehalis, Washington. You can find out more about Richards at