This is the Silver Water 5 pc. kit to support Wayne Rowland's clean me up parasite cleanse. This kit contains,
- 1 pc 2 Gallon Silver Water Jug
- 1 pc 16 oz. WR Certified Organic Dulse
- 1 pc 300 capsules Ultrazyme Plus
- 1 pc 15 oz. Stabilized Greens
- 1 pc 2 oz. Lugol's 6.6% Iodine
Includes Wayne's Silver Water Colloidal Book (free)
Get all five items in one convenient click, and you're on your way to ultimate wellness.
Note: For the Clean Me Up Parasite Cleanse, add dewormer and Serrapeptase (not included, available elsewhere).
See Wayne Rowland's book Silver Water Colloidal Chapter 5 for instructions.
Package includes:
2 Gallons Wayne Rowland's Silver Water
Purified, deionized, microfiltered water and Silver (99.999% pure) mineral. One ounce contains over nine billion electrically charged particles of Pure Silver mineral. This is direct from Wayne Rowland's factory where silver water is created using Tesla technology. Available separately, here.
16 oz. Certified Organic Dulce
Ingredients: Seaweed from the ocean is a rich source of several vitamins, including vitamin A (in the form of caroteniods), B vitamins, vitamin C, D, E, and K. It is a rich source of several minerals, including calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper, iron. Seaweed has soluble fiber, rich in omega-3s, antioxidants, high in vegetable iodine and more. Available separately, here.
Ultrazyme Plus (300 capsules)
Ultrazyme Plus Digestive Enzymes optimize the assimilation of your meals with high potency enzymes from plant sources combined with nano-sized silver minerals to increase their full catalytic effect throughout the gastrointestinal tract. Available separately, here.
15 oz. Stabilized Greens
Loaded with greens, extracts, and enzymes. Barley Grass is rich in vitamins, Wheat Grass is rich in enzymes, Green Tea is rich in catechins, Brown Rice Bran is rich in fiber, Apple Fiber is rich in fiber, Kelp is rich in iodine, Alfalfa is rich in minerals. Barley malt powder, Broccoli powder, Oat brand, Chlorella powder, Red Beet powder, Ginseng Root powder, peppermint powder, Royal jelly, Trace Mineral concentrate, Milk Thistle extract, Ginko Biloba extract, Grape seed extract, etc. Available separately, here.
2 oz. Lugol's Iodine 6.6%
Lugol's Iodine 6.6% is a powerful and effective solution that offers numerous benefits for your health and well-being. With its higher concentration of iodine, it provides even greater support for thyroid function compared to Lugol's Iodine 5%. Available separately, here.